About Gay


Gay Norton Edelman has over 25 years experience in magazine publishing. She was senior editor of Family Circle, McCall’s, Rosie magazines, and was editor of Women’s Faith & Spirit. As a staff editor, she has assigned, line-edited and rewritten hundreds of articles. 

Gay has written scores of articles for major markets, including ThirdAge, Beliefnet, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Spirituality & Health, Guideposts, Parents, Parenting, Prevention and others.

She has also co-authored books such as Richard Carlson’s Handbook for the Soul and Handbook for the Heart series, and ghosted others.

She is also an experienced educator with background teaching in college and independently as a workshop leader and one-on-one coach.

Additionally, Gay is currently freelancing and touring for her book The Hungry Ghost, a self-help memoir about her 20-year success maintaining a 100 pound weight loss. Read more at her Joyblog.